How to increase potency in men?

The sexual relationship is an important part of every person's life. Medical researchers have shown that the regular use of a true sex prolongs the youthfulness of the body, it stimulates the processes of renewal and regeneration, it has an effect on almost all organs and systems of man.

The power

Every man one day there comes a time, when his sexual ability can fail and cause a doubt to the future success of intimate relationships. This often happens with young enough people still, but this is often a problem for men, has surpassed the milestone of middle age. And then the men asks a reasonable question – how to increase the power and to understand this problem, it is necessary to identify early signs of disorders of sexual functions.

The first signs of decline in erectile function in men

In the great majority, the first signs of disorders of sexual potency in men begin after 50 years. This is associated with advancing age in the body, hormonal imbalances, decrease the overall tone, and the aggravation of chronic diseases.

The first symptoms begin to manifest the signs:

  • the weakening of morning erection, excitation spontaneous when the situation is exciting, as a result of the total lack of power;
  • weak erection, makes it difficult or inadequate for the performance of the sexual act;
  • the lack of libido and sexual desire, decreased libido;
  • decline in erection during the sexual intercourse, the inability of its natural expiry date;
  • too first ejaculation, in the short term, the sexual act, which is insufficient to satisfy the partner.

When the first manifestations of the sexual problems is not worth going to extremes:

  • hope that this single situation, and all will pass';
  • start to panic and premature to ascribe to themselves the impotence.

There are many ways to restore potency in men. To him we refer, first of all, the ancient recipes of traditional medicine, but also a whole series of pharmacological agents to improve the sexual power.

How to increase potency in men?

In case of problems with the power of a man, you need to evaluate your lifestyle, to redefine the mode and the composition of feed, pay attention to physical fitness and health. To begin, we see that it is useful for the power of men, and what is harmful.

One of the most disastrous reasons for male power is the lack of exercise and a sedentary life-style. The reason for this is the appearance of stagnation of blood and lymph in the pelvic organs, which can also cause the appearance of non-bacterial form of prostatitis, with all the consequent problems. The composition of diet is also very important to maintain men's health – the abundance of fatty foods, carcinogenic substances, and lack of vitamins significantly violate the metabolic processes in the body, adversely affect the endocrine organs and hormonal balance. The combination of these characteristics, it is particularly dangerous for the older men of middle age.


Tips on how to increase the power after 50 years:

  • The movement and physical activity with a gradual increase of the load, a series of exercises to improve the circulation of the pelvic organs is the first step to prolong and improve the quality of sexual intercourse.
  • For the power very useful nuts and seeds that are rich in essential fatty acids and oils - peanut, hazelnut, walnut. Particularly useful to eat dried fruit with honey.
  • Fresh vegetables and fruits – celery, turnip, onion, garlic, carrot, should be a part of the daily diet of the men.
  • Lean meat, preferably baked or stewed, as it ensures the necessary for each man a reserve of proteins.
  • Various vegetable it is a source of vitamins for power - parsley, tarragon, coriander, spinach, as well as vitamins and minerals these products contain similar male hormones.
  • If possible, include in the diet fish, which are considered to be natural aphrodisiacs.

Do not rush to aid pharmacological drugs during the first disorders of erection, you just need to pay attention to their health, full power, a combination of physical activity and recreation, in order to prolong youthfulness and harmony of sexual relations.